HP Fortify named leader App Sec 2015

HP Fortify named a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Appliaction Security Testing 2015 once again!

Highly publicized breaches in the past 12 months have raised awareness of the need to identify and remediate vulnerabilities at the application layer. Enterprise application security testing solutions for Web, native, cloud and mobile applications are key to this strategy.

HP Fortify is a well-known brand worldwide. It frequently appears on clients’ shortlists, and HP is the only AST vendor that provides capabilities in all four areas: SAST, DAST, IAST and RASP. HP was one of the first to ship a commercial RASP offering, and, in late 2014, it released HP Application Defender, on-premises and as a service for Java and .NET.


Gartner MQ App Sec 2015 Download your copy here.


New website launched!

New website had been launched!

Proudly we announce the formal launch and go-live of our new website! As the world around us is rapidly changing, ARAMA TECH as a company is evolving and as a result the way that we communicate with our partners and customers is evolving as well. One part of that communication, our website, underwent a complete rebuild and has been made future-ready for all new ways of media and dynamic content!

This is a continious process and we will continue to add new features and content on our public website!

So stay tuned and make sure you visit us frequently and ensure we evolve the way it serves your needs, wishes and expectations!

Thank you for your support!

Combat Advanced Persistent Threats and Targeted Attacks – SEMINAR

Combat Advanced Persistent Threats and Targeted Attacks – SEMINAR – Westcon Security Solutions Belgium

08/10/15 12:30 – 08/10/15 17:00 Domein Terassel. Nieuwelaan 71, 1860 Meise (Belgium)

Learn how they work, why you’re at risk, and how to fight back.
Combat advanced persistent threats and targeted attacks with Trend Micro and HP.
12:30 – 13:15: walking lunch
13:15 – 14:00: Whiteboard session on targeted attacks
14:00 – 14:40: Trend Micro: Stopping advanced persistent threats in cloud and datacenter
14:40 – 15:00: Break
15:00 – 15:40: HP: Identify and Neutralize Tomorrow’s Threats with Tippingpoint ATA
15:40 – 16:30: Sandboxing in depth – Demo and use cases
16:30 – 17:30: Networking Drink



Dmitri Belotchkine, Trend Micro
Frederik Vanroosendael, Trend Micro
Manuel Gonzalez, HP


More info and registration: HERE

Bezoek HP op IDC IT Security 2015

IDC’s IT Security Conference 2015 – Netherlands

Van CISO naar CRO – Security is Big Business

Uitdagingen in informatiebeveiliging blijven toenemen in het huidige klimaat van de consument-gedreven technologieën zoals cloud en mobiel computergebruik. De beveiligingssoftware markt blijft groeien met een flinke verhoging van 3,2%. De toegenomen zichtbaarheid van cyber-dreigingen en de krantenkoppen die het hebben over storingen in informatiebeveiliging zorgen ervoor dat de veiligheid van informatie een belangrijk discussieonderwerp onder zakelijke organisaties en technologische leiders blijven. Lees meer op IDC IT Security 2015

ARAMA TECH Implemented E-Signing of documents

To serve customers even better and process (potentially) sensitive information in a more secure way, ARAMA TECH implemented e-Signing by RightSignature (by Citrix). Documents such as quotes, NDA’s, etc. will not be send by email anymore, but offered online with integrated identity checks and SSL Data encryption and SHA-1 Digital Fingerprints, facilitating an audit trail concerning document access and actions. Rightsignature enhances the security and integrity of the documents, creates more flexibility (mobility) and produces less paper for printing, contributing to environment preservation.

In the eventuality this new way does not fit customers’ and/or partners’ processes or procedures, there is still the option to download the document and process it manually.

More information:


HP Voltage: SecureMail & SecureData

 HP Security Voltage: SecureMail & SecureData

Er is veel aandacht voor de veiligheid van het Elektronisch Patiëntendossier, de Meldplicht Datalekken en de EU-wetgeving over de bescherming van persoonsgegevens. Een grote zorg betreft de privacy en het een veilige email uitwisseling met patiënten en het beschermen van bestanden en andere data die uitgewisseld worden met patiënten en zorg partners. Het overgrote deel van cyber incidenten waarbij verlies van data betrokken is vindt zijn oorsprong in email verkeer!

HP Security Voltage SecureMail voorziet in een veilige manier van versleuteling van email verkeer en data vanuit de vertrouwde Outlook omgeving, Exchange, Outlook 365 en vele andere platforms zonder extra complexiteit voor de gebruiker!

Voordelen van HP Security Voltage:

  • Minimale verandering voor de gebruikers
  • Gereduceerd risico van verlies van gevoelige data
  • Gereduceerde kosten van compliance
  • Toegenomen waarde van uw data

ARAMA TECH is partner van HP Enterprise Security voor de Benelux en Nordics en een“One Stop Shop” voor alle producten van HP Enterprise Security.